Ключевые слова:
Marchetti`s Constant, CDRs, urban planning, transport, travel time, commuting, home-work, location, distance, employement.Аннотация
Marchetti`s Constant will has brought significantly chance for urban planning and transport over World whean we should show the blue print of commuting that although forms of modern transport may change in countries such as South Korean, Russen, Uzbekistan and others countriess, people gradually adjust their lives to their lives to their conditions ( including location of their homes relative to their workplace) such that the average travel time stays approximately constant. In attracting significant research attention by home-work commuting on people mobility. Point of the key advertisemet in this domain of study is the universal uniformity of commute time. Moreover, Zahavi approach this problem although the use of mobility phone call detail records (CDRs). Finally, he put forth a testable hypothesis and suggest ways for future work to make more accurate and generalizable statements about human commute behaviors.
Библиографические ссылки
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