
  • Oripov M.A Bukhara State University
  • Tursunova Kh.S Bukhara State University

Ключевые слова:

Study the scientific literature on waste-free technologies and its organization.


Relevance:  In the process of evolution, man gained the opportunity to influence the course of development of nature itself, using more and more new natural resources, inventing more and more innovative ways of obtaining means of subsistence, due to which he found himself in a situation where nature was no longer able to cope with his ever-growing needs and began to lose the natural self-healing mechanism. The population of the planet, especially large cities and industrial zones, is beginning to feel a lack of unpolluted air and experience a shortage of fresh water. The problem of sustainable development of civilization, ensuring the satisfaction of the needs of the community, but not threatening the existence of humanity today and its subsequent generations, must and can be solved so that the impact on the environment is within acceptable limits.

Библиографические ссылки

Andreeva E.S., Andreev S.S.. Industrial ecology. St. Petersburg, 2005. – P.27-42.

Mazur I.I., Moldavanov O.I.. Environmental engineering course. – M.: Logos, 2001. – P. 96-102; 208-225.

Engineering ecology and environmental management / Ed. N.N. Ivanov and I.M. Fadina. – M.: Logos, 2001. – 78-90 p.

Ivanov B.A. Engineering ecology. – M.: Higher School, 1982. –106-154 p.

Assessment and regulation of environmental quality: a textbook for an environmental engineer / Ed. A.F. Poryadina, A.D. Khovansky. – M.: Priboy, 1996.

Zaitsev V.A. Waste-free production. –M.: MHTI, 1990


