
  • Alimova Shokhsanam Usmanjon kizi 3rd year master of the pediatric faculty of ASMI,
  • Ganiev A.G Andijan, Uzbekistan Scientific supervisor

Ключевые слова:

bronchial asthma, treatment, children.


In order to generalize methods of treating bronchial asthma, a study of 140 children was conducted based on a questionnaire, clinical, allergological and functional examination. Studies have shown that boys develop asthma earlier. Polyvalent sensitization to epidermal allergens and the presence of bronchial asthma in the child’s mother, severe asphyxia at birth are considered risk factors for the development of severe asthma in children and are characterized by the following: a large percentage of children’s sensitivity to epidermal and pollen allergens at home has been determined.

Библиографические ссылки

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