
  • Tokhirov Abror Akhrorovich
  • Alijonov Shohruhbek Akranjonvich
  • Muhammadova Gulnigor Erkinjonvich
  • Ismoilova Mohlaroyim Muhammadishoqvich

Ключевые слова:

Man,philosophy,time,world of progress, China, Turan , Akhura Mazda,Adam ,Socrates, Aristotle,Adam,Muslim, Abu Nasr Farabi,Abu Ali ibn Sina, Abu Raikhan BeruniyYusuf hos Haji


In this article, social philosophy looks at the human problem as a component of the universe, being vash from the point of view of which it is called "human inma? What is its essence? What place does man occupy in the universe?", "What is meant by the human factor? Answers questions like. Man is the Supreme view of being. Its origin, life, development depend on the universe, existence. The development of Man and society the universe is considered a product and manifestation of the evolution of nature.

Man sought to know his identity, his own, in all times. A variety of views, hypotheses, theories have been created dedicated to the human problem.

The human problem has been studied in the history of Social Thought from 3 different points of view: mythological, religious and scientific-theoretical.Cited and cited information about these.

Библиографические ссылки

I. Karimov . Human rights, freedoms and interests are the highest value. - T., ⁇ « Uzbekistan » 2005 or ⁇ Khalq » newspaper, December 8, 2005.

I.Karimov Barkamol avlod is the foundation of the development of Uzbekistan. - T., « Uzbekistan » 1997

Philosophy is the key. This is a textbook. In addition, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Uzbekistan published a report on the implementation of the program.

He is the author of the book "Philosophical Foundations". - T., NMIU, 2005, pp. 272-280.

Anwar Choriev. It is human philosophy. The development of philosophical thought in human evolution. The book I - T., « Chinor ENK » , 1998.

It is human philosophy. I. Independent person. - T., « Chinor ENK » , 2002 year.

In addition, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Uzbekistan has adopted the Law " On Education and Science " . He is a member of the board of directors of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


