Ключевые слова:
transcending borders, language diversity, digital spaces, globalization, technological advancements, online communication, social media, multilingualism, linguistic identity, online communities, linguistic creativity, challenges, opportunities, linguistic discrimination, digital divide, marginalized languages, balance, inclusivity, technology, machine translation, natural language processing, cross-linguistic communication, cultural contexts, research, innovation.Аннотация
The digital era has witnessed an unprecedented surge in communication across geographical borders, leading to a transformative expansion of language diversity in virtual environments. This article explores the dynamics of language diversity in digital spaces, examining the catalysts, manifestations, and implications of this linguistic phenomenon. Drawing on interdisciplinary perspectives from linguistics, communication studies, and technology, we delve into the ways in which digital platforms shape and are shaped by the multitude of languages that transcend traditional boundaries. As the world increasingly connects through online channels, understanding the complexities of language diversity in digital spaces becomes imperative for fostering inclusive communication and global collaboration.
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