
  • Raximova Maloxat Anvarvna Dzhizak state pedagogical university

Ключевые слова:

Proof of this as the


In the organization of educational process of higher education institutions of education and education law, under the law, including documents, decrees, ordinances, resolutions and orders are legal documents, such as organizational support.

Библиографические ссылки

The national program for the training. The journal of the oliy majlis of the republic of uzbekistan, 1997. 11-12-number, article 295.

The cabinet of the republic of uzbekistan on December 28, 2012 “from higher education further education and higher on measures for improvement of the system of certification of qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel” № № 365 dated.

In 2009, the ministry of higher and secondary specialized education of the republic of uzbekistan on 11 June 204-number command approved “assessment and control of knowledge of students in higher education institutions rating system on the regulations. The ministry of higher and secondary specialized education of the republic of uzbekistan to this regulation on 25 December 333, dated 13 August 2010, and in 2013 the number 470 commands and additions with the change at the ministry of justice of the republic of uzbekistan the state 1981-2, with the number from the list to reopen was held. ("Physical hazard" QHT, 2013 y., 50-number, 659 article).

Of the republic of uzbekistan ministry of higher and secondary specialized education march 31, 2014 “and provide normative documents on higher education of students muasasalari” № № 114 - number command.

2015 is the year of the cabinet of ministers of the republic of uzbekistan on January 10 “the cabinet of ministers of higher education of the state educational standards” on approval of the 2001 amendments and additions to the resolution on August 16 343” № №3-dated.

The cabinet of ministers of the republic of uzbekistan "on the introduction and development of state educational standards for the system of continuous education" January 5, 1998, 5 resolution.

August 20 2015 in the year of the cabinet of ministers of the republic of uzbekistan “leaders and teachers of higher education institutions and training measures for the organization of retraining and staff on” № № 242-dated.


