
  • Mukimov.O.E Jizzakh State Pedagogical University Associate professor

Ключевые слова:

physical culture and sports activities, socially significant activities, public authorities, organizations performing publicly significant functions.


The article is devoted to the study of the issue of attributing physical culture and sports to socio-economically significant types of activity along with pedagogical (teaching), scientific and other creative activities. The reasons and grounds that determine the existing problems and the need for the adoption of legislative novels are stated. A list of normative legal acts was identified that prohibits a number of employees of public authorities and employees of organizations performing publicly significant functions from engaging in other paid activities in the field of physical culture and sports. Signs of mutual authenticity between activities in the field of physical culture and sports and other socially significant types of activities have been substantiated. Proposals were formulated to correct a number of normative legal acts, in terms of their addition with an optional form of prescription for engaging in other paid physical culture and sports activities. The conditions for the fulfillment of another paid physical culture and sports activity as a secondary (additional) variant of behavior have been demonstrated. The author of the article concluded that it is necessary to further study the issue of anti-established by legislation for state (municipal) employees in the field of physical culture and sports for employment in subordinate organizations.

Библиографические ссылки

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