
  • Ibrohimova Nasibakhon Rahimjon qizi student of Andijan State University
  • Ibrohimjonova Mohlaroy Mukhtarjon qizi student of Andijan State University


Music is an art form that has a wide place in our cultural life and is of great importance in the development of human personality. Family, school, and society are of great importance in the spiritual formation of every person. Because a person's human characteristics are formed in society. Among the many educational factors in leading the young generation to maturity , music education has a special place. Music education is one of the main and complex aspects of the education of sophistication, it teaches a person to correctly perceive and appreciate the beautiful things around him. Music has the ability to strongly influence the human psyche, and is an important means of bringing it into the world of sophistication and moral and ideological education. Music equips a person with high taste and gives him spiritual nourishment.

Библиографические ссылки

Unified State Educational Standard and Curriculum. Music.

Tashkent, 2010. Nurmatov H, Norkhojaev N. Musical alphabet. 1 - textbook for class.

Tashkent, G'. Publishing house named after Ghulam - creative house of printing. 2011 - year.

Nurmatov H, Norkhojaev N. Music. Textbook for class 2. G'. Publishing house named after Ghulam - creative house of printing. 2010 is the year.

Nurmatov H, Norkhojaev N. Music. Textbook for class 3. G'. Publishing house named after Ghulam - creative house of printing. 2008 - year.

Ibrohimov O. Music. 4th grade textbook. - Tashkent, G'. Publishing house named after Ghulam - creative house of printing. 2009 - year

Saipova D. Improving the process of mastering musical and musical-theoretical knowledge. - Tashkent, 2005.


