
  • Usmonova Zarina Habibovna The senior teacher of Bukhara State University
  • Shoqulova Lobar Bahriddinovna Master degree student, Bukhara State University


metaphor, concept, image, design, epithet, comparison.


The article is a study of metaphor as a means of conveying a hidden author's message, establishing a connection between the selected images and the content. The author analyzes the use of metaphors in Ray Bradbury's 'Fahrenheit 451' on specific examples, establishes the existing pattern and organizes the systematization according to the content direction. It is noted that the focus of the metaphors is often not nouns but verbs. This can be distinguished as a characteristic feature of the author's idiostyle





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Zarina Habibovna Usmonova. (2021). THE PECULIARITY OF FANTASTIC WORKS (ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE WORKS OF RAY BRADBURY, ISAAC ASIMOV AND STEPHEN KING). European Scholar Journal, 2(4), 499-503. Retrieved from

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Usmonova, Z. H. (2021). The peculiarity of fantastic works (on the example of the works of Ray Bradbury, Isaac Asimov and Stephen King). European Scholar Journal, 2(4), 499-503.

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