The atmosphere is the air cover of the earth and is one of the main sources of life in the biosphere. The atmosphere protects all living things from harmful cosmic rays and keeps the heat on the planet's surface. If the weather was not cloudy, the temperature on the surface of the earth would be +100 C during the day and -100 C in the evening. The upper limit of the atmosphere passes at an altitude of about 2000 km, the atmosphere consists of several layers. Its main mass is located in the lower troposphere at an altitude of 10-16 km, weather and climate are largely related to atmospheric processes. Atmospheric air without foreign additives consists of the following components; nitrogen - 78.1%, oxygen 20.9%, argon and other inert gases 0.95%, carbon dioxide 0.03%. The amount of other gases is relatively small. In addition, there is always 3-4% water vapor in the air. There will be dust particles. Each gas in the atmosphere has its own physical and chemical properties.
Ж.Бийимбетов. Толерантлықтың социомәдений феномен сыпатында өзгешеликлери. Вестник каракалпакского государственного университета имени Бердаха. №2. 2016. 54-57.
Biyimbetov J.K. Information Society Development Trends: Philosophical Analysis of Basic Concepts // Texas Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies. –America: 2021. // ISSN 2770-0003. SJIF Impact Factor (2022): 5.909. –Б. 74-77.
Biyimbetov J.K. Information wars as a socio-philosophical problem // Science and education in Karakalpakstan. Karakalpak State University name after Berdakh –Нукус: 2022. ISSN 2181-9203. –P.281-283. (09.00.00; № 20).
Бийимбетов Ж.К. Ахборот жамияти - жамият ривожланишининг янги босқичи // Бердақ номидаги Қорақалпоқ давлат университетининг Ахборотномаси. –Нукус: ҚДУ, 2022. ISSN 2010-9075. –Б. 179-181. (09.00.00; № 10).
Biyimbetov J.K. Political, economic, cultural and information development of the world in the process of globalization // Science and education in Karakalpakstan. Karakalpak State University name after Berdakh –Нукус: 2021. ISSN 2181-9203. –P.91-92. (09.00.00; № 20).
Biyimbetov J.K. Philosophical analysis of the problem of information psychological security // Адам әлемі (Философский и общественно-гуманитарный журнал). –Kazakstan: 2021. ISSN №1999-5849. –Б. 3-9. (09.00.00; № 09).
Biyimbetov J.K. Socio-philosophical analysis of the concept of information society // Science and education in Karakalpakstan. Karakalpak State University name after Berdakh –Нукус: 2020. ISSN 2181-9203. –P.244-246. (09.00.00; № 20).
Biyimbetov J.K. Information security as an object of social philosophy // Science and education in Karakalpakstan. Karakalpak State University name after Berdakh –Нукус: 2020. ISSN 2181-9203. –P.194-196. (09.00.00; № 20).
Бийимбетов Ж.К. Қәўипсизликти тәмийнлеў мәселелериниң жәмийет турмысындағы әҳмийети // Бердақ номидаги Қорақалпоқ давлат университетининг Ахборотномаси. –Нукус: ҚДУ, 2020. ISSN 2010-9075. –Б. 174-175. (09.00.00; № 10).
Biyimbetov J.K. Problems of protection against threats affecting human consciousness in the processes of information civilization // 8th-International Conferenceon Research in Humanities, Applied Sciences and Education. Germany.: – Berlin: 2022. –P. 1-3.
Biyimbetov J.K. Philosophical characteristics of information security and analysis of human problems in the 21st century // International Conference on Developments in Education. Netherlands.: – Amsterdam: 2022. –P. 1-3.
Biyimbetov J.K. The problem of protecting people and society from information psychological threats // «Military science development topical issues» international scientific and theoretical conference materials collection. Kazakstan.: – Almaty: 2022. –P. 30-35.
Бийимбетов Ж.К. Геосиясий процесслер ҳәм хабар қәўипсизлик проблемасы // «Ommaviy tartibbuzarliklar vaqtida jamoat xavfsizligini ta‘minlashga jalb qilingan shaxsiy tarkibning jismoniy va psixologik tayyorgarligini takomillashtirish masalalari» республика илмий-амалий конференцияси. Ўзбекистон.: – Нукус: 2022. –Б. 99-103.
Biyimbetov J.K. Insoniyat jamiyatining axborotlashish jarayonlari va axborot jamiyatining o‘ziga xos xususiyatlari // «Qubla aral boyı tariyxı hám arxeologiyası izertlewlerde» республика илмий-назарий конференцияси. Ўзбекистон.: – Нукус: 2022. –Б. 91-93.
Biyimbetov J.K. Jámiyettiń rawajlanıwında informaciyaǵa bolǵan talap hám informaciya mádeniyatı // «Мир науки и духовной культуры в условиях глобализации и инновации (Сборник научных статей)» республика илмий-назарий конференцияси. Ўзбекистон.: – Нукус: 2020. –Б. 175-177.
Biyimbetov J.K. Philosophical and methodological analysis of the concepts of information and information society // «Ўзбекистонда илмий-амалий тадқиқотлар» атамасидаги Республика 16-кўп тармоқли илмий масофавий онлайн конференцияси. Ўзбекистон.: – Тошкент: 2020. –P. 7-8.
Бийимбетов Ж.К. Глобалласыў процесслеринде жәмийетке тәсир етиўши руўхый қәуиплерге қарсы гүрес // «Социал-экономикалық пәнлер ҳәм социал мәканда жаслар мәселелери» республика илмий-амалий конференцияси. Ўзбекистон.: – Нукус: 2019. –Б. 249-251.
Бийимбетов Ж.К. Жәмийеттиң раўажланыўы ҳәм глобалласыў процесслери // «Мир науки и духовной културы в условиях глобализации и инновации (Сборник научных статей)» республика илмий-назарий конференцияси. Ўзбекистон.: – Нукус: 2019. –Б. 167-169.
Бийимбетов Ж.К. Руўхый қәдириятлардың инсан өмириндеги әҳмийети // «2015 йил – Кексаларни эъзозлаш йили»га бағишланган «Фан ва таълим-тарбияда илғор тажрибалар: тадқиқ ва натижалар» республика илмий-назарий конференцияси. Ўзбекистон.: – Нукус: 2015. –Б. 27-28.
Biyimbetov J.K. Socio-philosophical aspects of political culture formation in the process of globalization // Palarch’s journal of archaeology of egypt. – Egypt: 2020. ISSN: 1567-214X. –P. 100-109.
Бийимбетов Ж.К., Мамбеткаримов Р.Р. Информация ҳәм информациялық қәўипсизликтиң философиялық анализи // Бердақ номидаги Қорақалпоқ давлат университетининг Ахборотномаси. –Нукус: ҚДУ, 2019. ISSN 2010-9075. –Б. 83-85. (09.00.00; № 10).
Biyimbetov J.K. Abdiev B.T., Joldasbaev O.E., Jamalov N.Y. Insan turmısında mádeniyattiń roli // Әжинияз номидаги Нукус давлат педагогика институтининг Фан ва жамият журнали. –Нукус: НДПИ, 2022. ISSN 2010-720Х. –Б. 50-51.
Бийимбетов Ж.К. Мамбеткаримов Р.Р., Абдиев Б.Т. Гуманизм идеяларының инсан руўхыйлығын қәлиплестириўдеги әҳмийети // Әжинияз номидаги Нукус давлат педагогика институтининг Фан ва жамият журнали. –Нукус: НДПИ, 2020. ISSN 2010-720Х. –Б. 43-44.
Бийимбетов Ж.К., Абдиев Б.Т. «Информация ҳәм информациялық жәмийет түсиниклериниң философиялық анализи» // «Ideologiyalıq processlerdiń globallasıw shárayatında milliy tárbiyanıń aktual máseleleri» respublika ilimiy-nazariy konferentsiyasi. O‘zbekiston.: – Nukus: 2021. –Б. 149-150.
Biyimbetov J.K., Ismaylova G.J. Insaniyattıń jańa civilizaciyalıq rawajlanıwında informaciyalıq urıslardıń insan ruwxıylıǵına tásiri // «Global science and innovations 2020: central asia». Kazakstan.: – Almaty: 2020. –Б. 2-4.
Мамбеткаримов Р.Р. Factors for Forming Critical Thinking in Students in the Educational Process // Research Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies. 29-may 2022. Amerika. ISSN 2770-0003. SJIF Impact Factor (2022): 5.909. –Б. 1.
Мамбеткаримов Р.Р. Basic Principles and Methods of Using Media Education for forming Students’ Analytical Thinking // Zien Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. 15-noyabr. 2021.Amerika. ISSN 2769-996X. SJIF Impact Factor (2021): 5.818. –Б. 63-68.
Mambetkarimov R.R. The problem of analytical thinking in the current modern education system // International Multidisciplinary Conference. England.: – Manchester: 2022. –P. 128-131.
Mambetkarimov R.R. The relationship between the development of analytical thinking and problem-based learning in quality education // 8th-International Conferenceon Research in Humanities, Applied Sciences and Education., Germany.: – Berlin: 2022. –P. 77-81.
P.Tlepbergenova. Ecology of the Bukhara Deer in Our Country (Distribution and Origin). Research Journal of Applied Medical Sciences. 25.04.2022. 16-бет.
P.Tlepbergenova. Prospects For the Development of Ecological Tourism in Uzbekistan. Texas Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies. 2021-йил 15-ноябрь. 144-бет.
P.Tlepbergenova. Global ecologicial problems: Essence and possible solutions. International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR). 2021-йил 5-май. 108-бет.
P.Tlepbergenova. The impact of the Aral sea ecological problem on the ecosystem. «Қорақалпоғистонда фан ва таълим» журнали №4/2-сон (Нукус – 2021)
P.Tlepbergenova. The problem of technogen pollution to the environment. «Қорақалпоғистонда фан ва таълим» журнали №3-4 сон (Нукус – 2020).
P.Tlepbergenova. Ecology of education as part of the ecology of culture. Uzbek scholar journal. Mart 2022-жыл. 2-сан.
P.Tlepbergenova. The modern problem of technogen pollution. Materials of the republican 16-multidisciplinary online distance conference on "Scientific and practical research in Uzbekistan" part-22. 5-май 2020-йил. 58-бет.