
  • Kıdırbaeva Nargiza 2nd course student of archeology department of Karakalpak State University named after Berdak

Ключевые слова:

Four states, capitalist participation, Jaña kala state, Òtesh batyr.


At the end of the 19th century, at the beginning of the 20th century, Karakalpaks, Otesh Batir Hero from Kanlikól.


Библиографические ссылки

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Khozhaniyazov G., Khoshniyazov Zh., Karlybaev M., Zhumashev A., Dauletbaev N., "Kanlikolde kalin’ el", Nukus, "Ilim", 2021.

Biyimbetov, J. K. (2021). Information Society Development Trends: Philosophical Analysis of Basic Concepts. Texas Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies.–America, 2770-0003.

Kilishbaevich, B. J. (2022, December). Philosophical characteristics of information security and analysis of human problems in the 21st century. In E Conference Zone (pp. 1-3).

Kilishbaevich, B. J. (2022). Problems of protection against threats affecting human consciousness in the processes of information civilization. Conferencea, 1-3.

Biyimbetov, J. (2021). Philosophical analysis of the problem of information psychological security. Адам әлемі, 88(2), 3-9.

Biyimbetov, J. K. (2021). Political, economic, cultural and information development of the world in the process of globalization. Science and education in Karakalpakstan. Karakalpak State University name after Berdakh–Нукус, 91-92.

Biyimbetov, J. K. (2022). The problem of protecting people and society from information psychological threats. In Military science development topical issues» international scientific and theoretical conference materials collection. Kazakstan.:–Almaty (pp. 30-35).

Biyimbetov, J. K. (2022). Information wars as a socio-philosophical problem. Science and education in Karakalpakstan. Karakalpak State University name after Berdakh–Нукус, 281-283.

Biyimbetov, J. K. (2020). Ismaylova GJ Insaniyattıń jańa civilizaciyalıq rawajlanıwında informaciyalıq urıslardıń insan ruwxıylıǵına tásiri. Global science and innovations, 2-4.

Biyimbetov, J. K. Philosophical and methodological analysis of the concepts of information and information society. Ўзбекистонда илмий-амалий тадқиқотлар» атамасидаги Республика, 7-8.

Biyimbetov, J. K. (2020). Jámiyettiń rawajlanıwında informaciyaǵa bolǵan talap hám informaciya mádeniyatı. Мир науки и духовной культуры в условиях глобализации и инновации (Сборник научных статей)» республика илмий-назарий конференцияси. Ўзбекистон.:–Нукус, 175-177.

Biyimbetov, J. K. (2020). Information security as an object of social philosophy. Science and education in Karakalpakstan. Karakalpak State University name after Berdakh–Нукус, 194-196.

Biyimbetov, J. K. (2020). Socio-philosophical analysis of the concept of information society. Science and education in Karakalpakstan. Karakalpak State University name after Berdakh–Нукус, 244-246.

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Kilishbayevich, B. J. (2023). Philosophical analysis of manipulation and information security problems. Sustainability of education, socio-economic science theory, 1(6), 143-146.

Kilishbayevich, B. J.

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No’kisbaevna, T. P. (2021). Prospects For the Development of Ecological Tourism in Uzbekistan. Texas Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 2, 144-146.

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Tlepbergenova, P. (2022). Ecology of education as part of the ecology of culture. Uzbek scholar journal.

Tlepbergenova, P. The modern problem of technogen pollution. Materials of the republican.


