
  • Djabbarova Z.R ASIFL, researcher

Ключевые слова:

litotes; meiosis; definition; difference; stylistic devices.


The  article  is  devoted  to  the  investigation  and  comparison  of  different  definitions  of  the  stylistic  device  of  litotes  aiming  at  outlining  the  interrelation  between  the  two  main  explanations,  not  always  exactly  fitting  each  other.  The  litotes  is  compared  to  the  stylistic  device  of  meiosis,  having  little  difference  in  definition  and  functions.  The  task  settled  in  the  article  is  the  usage of litotes in every day speech  and  possible meanings in social context.

Библиографические ссылки

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Horn, Laurence R. 1989. The natural history of negation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Levinson, Stephen C. 2000. Presumptive meanings: The theory of generalized conversational implicature. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.

Neuhaus, Laura. 2016. Four Potential Meanings of Double Negation: The Pragmatics of nicht un-Constructions. International Review of Pragmatics 8. 55–81.

Israel, Michael (2006): Saying less and meaning less. In: Betty J. Birner und Gregory L. Ward (eds.): Drawing the boundaries of meaning. Neo-Gricean studies in pragmatics and semantics in honor of Laurence R. Horn. Amsterdam: Benjamins, p. 137–156.

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