
  • Alinazarov Nodirkhan Nasirkhanzoda Student of the Faculty of Military Education of Fergana State University

Ключевые слова:

Military-patriotic education, national and international education, national idea and national independence, national ideology, universal values, national pride, moral and spiritual training, physical training, religious extremist groups.


Like all socio-political activities, there is a certain system and formal style in military-patriotic work.It includes specific tasks, content of forms and methods, tools, as well as state and public enterprises, organizations and institutions performing specific tasks.This system, form, first of all, has a complex nature, that is, the formation of a sense of patriotism is the task of all educational institutions.Secondly, it is continuous, because it is in effect in all periods of a person's life.Thirdly, it is a complete form because it relies on all types of education and the unity of the army and the people.


Библиографические ссылки

Karimov I.A. "High spirituality is an invincible power"._T. "Spirituality" 2008, 63b

Karimov I.A. A free and prosperous Motherland, a free and prosperous life is our ultimate goal. T., 8., T.,. Page 437.

In that place. Page 438.

The idea of national independence: basic concepts and principles. T., "Generation of the New Century", 2001, p. 168.

Alisher Navoi. A perfect collection of works. 20 volumes. J.13. - T.: Science, 1997.

Alisher Navoi. A perfect collection of works. 20 volumes. J.17. - T.: Science, 2001.

Mallayev N.M. History of Uzbek literature. The first book. - T.: Teacher, 1976.

History of Uzbek literature. Five volumes. J. 2. - T.: Science, 1977.


