Our people have revered water since time immemorial, even comparing its every drop to gold. Proverbs such as "Water is a priceless wealth" and "Water is a gem, water is a jeweler" that have not lost their meaning over the centuries testify to how precious a blessing nature is.
Djumanazarova A.T., Mamataliev A., Matyakubov B. Irrigation and melioration. Textbook - Tashkent, 2020, Science and intelligence. -405 pages.
Djumanazarova A.T., Asamatdinov I.J. Use of gydromelioration systems. Textbook - Nukus, Knowledge. 2021, - 396 pages.
Khamidov M.Kh., Shukurlayev K.I., Mamataliyev A.B. Agricultural hydrotechnical melioration. Textbook. -Tashkent: Sharq, 2009. -380 pages.
Isaev, S., Gofirov, A., Tadjiyev, S., Bulanbayeva, P., & Djumanazarova, A. (2023). Effects of different salinity levels in topsoil on the growth, development and yield of winter wheat. In BIO Web of Conferences (Vol. 65, p. 04004). EDP Sciences.
Glovatskiy, O., Djumanazarova, A., Saparov, A., Nasirova, N., Sultonov, A., & Sattorov, A. (2023). Improvement of water distribution management methods for operating modes of machine channels. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 401, p. 01023). EDP Sciences.