
  • Adizova Nilufar Istamovna Uzbek Linguistics, Bukhara State University and a senior teacher of the journalism department. nilufar.adizova71 @ gmail. com.


World linguistics has determined that the concepts and subjective relations that have arisen in the human mind arise through speech due to the integral connection of language with the development of society, human thinking, and feelings. Approaching the language system based on the principles of the anthropocentric paradigm, classifying the laws specific to the theoretical and practical aspects of linguostylistics, which researches the realization of linguistic possibilities as an artistic speech, and studying the general linguopoetic possibilities based on specific artistic texts on the basis of the principle of the commonality of creative style-language possibility-artistic product is important even today.

A part of our spirituality is to protect our language, which is the basis of nationality, to research and develop it without breaking away from the ground of nationality, to comprehensively research such things as the understanding of humanity itself, others, and the whole world through the possibilities of language and fine art works, in their interconnectedness and coherence, it is also important for national and cultural development. This article discusses the specific aspects of the artist's style, which are important for ensuring the penetration and viability of any artistic work, as well as the methodological possibilities of using fragments of artistic texts on an intertextual basis.


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