
  • Qalmuratova Shaxlo 3rd year student of Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh, Faculty of Foreign Languages
  • Kutlimuratova Azodaxan 2nd year student of Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh, Faculty of Practical Psychology


Vocabulary learning strategies; strategy use;


This assessment purposed of analyzing vocabulary learning strategies, characteristically the use and pattern of strategy, their alternate for learners over different degree of languages.  The learning of vocabulary is primary element in second language learning. New words of explanations are constantly accentuated in written or in spoken communication. However, vocabulary remains development of vocabulary words and help children one of the most difficult skills to teach (Dickinson, Freiberg, & Barnes, 2011; Neuman & Dwyer, 2009).

In addition to, few researches indicate that teaching vocabulary can be considered as problematic, as some teachers are not really sure about the best practice in the teaching and sometimes not really aware how to start forming an instructional emphasis on the vocabulary learning (Berne & Blachowicz, 2008).  For the duration of this article centers on the significance of vocabulary and clarifies some methods.


Barbara a. Wasik and Charlene Iannone-Campbell. Developing vocabulary through purposeful, str ategic conversations. The reading teacher vol. 66 issue 2 dec 2012 / jan 2013. Page-321

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