Gout is a metabolic disease, the prevalence of which is growing worldwide and reaches 1-6% in developed countries (Shalnova S.A., 2014). Gout is characterized by chronic inflammation mediated by the presence of urate crystals (Nasonov E.L., 2016), the targets of which are not only the joints, but also the kidneys (Eliseev M.S., 2018) and the cardiovascular system (Singh J.A., 2014). The probability of detecting urate crystals in the gastrointestinal tract is very high, up to the formation of tofuses (Nasonova V.A., 2004). It was demonstrated (Chu Y, 2021) that the intestinal metagenome in gout was most similar in taxonomic structure, including analysis of 40 bacterial species, to that in ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and microbial functions to that in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and AS. These data indicate that dysbiosis in gout is probably more consistent with dysbiosis in autoimmune diseases than in metabolic diseases. This suggests that the intestinal microbiota may have a general effect on immune processes.
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