computer, technology, academic performance Biology is the study of life. It entails what life needs to survive, what makes life possible and how life forms interact with each other.Abstract
Which are the applications of microcomputers in biology today? Some areas where the work with microcomputers is becoming increasingly important are considered: laboratory applications, event simulation and word processing. Almost all laboratory computer applications can be described as one of the following functions:1.control of experiments, including timing and synchronizing external voltages; 2. data acquisition, usually through digital conversion of analog electrical signals; 3. data storage and, 4. data analysis. Event simulation is considered both as a research tool and as an important element in the educational area. Word processing and the automatic creation of literature references lists is considered as an ignored role of the microcomputers in the laboratory field. What about the influence of biology in computer technology? As specialized magazines say, many laboratories of biotechnologist are working hard to build a molecular computer. That is, an artificially designed ultramicroscopic machine built of proteins, nucleic acids, metals and non-metals in a planned arrangement. And this is not the end. The latest application able to expand our horizon in the biological field may be starting to be used at this moment.
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7. N.Reyimbayeva. Biologiya fanini o‘qitishda yangi pedagogik texnologiyalarning amaliy ahamiyati.
8. D.R.Iminova Biologiya darslarida o‘yinli ta’lim texnologiyalaridan foydalanish. 19-20 betlar.