
  • Eshankulova Mamlakat Xamrakulovna Jızzakh cıty 15 schools


teaching English, multimedia in education, mass-media in education.


This article aims at analyzing the importance of using Mass Media in the classroom and finding the ways how to use Printed and Audio-visual Media. It is the result of an in-depth study, surveys and questionnaires thus trying to make the ideas in this article more trustworthy. It is based not only on the literature review but also on long personal experience. It is a brief description of some practical examples and some tips for novice teachers. Further more, this article tends to deal with some of the key issues of using media in the classroom. Here are included some of the findings of my research work on a post-doctorate Fulbright Program in 2001. The following issues are open for discussion: the importance of Media in general and in education in particular; Media are persuasive and pervasive, newspapers, magazines, radio, television and internet in the classroom, etc.



Akis Davanellos (2001), Film Time, Iguana Press

Alessi Stephen, Trollip Stanley (2001), Multimedia for Learning; Methods and Development,

Allyn & Bacon, Boston, MA

Beckert Christine (1992), Getting Started in Mass Media, National Textbook Company, Chicago, IL

Biagi Shirley (1999), Media / Impact, Wadsworth, New York

Biagi Shirley (1996), Media Reader, Wadsworth, New York

Davies (1992), Multimedia Support for Studies in FL and Culture’, IBM

Garrett (1991), Technology in the Service of Language Learning, Modern Language Journal

Jane Sherman (2002), Using Video in the Language Classroom, CUP

Gavin Dudeney (2003), The Internet and the Language Classroom, CUP

Marion Geddes (1988), Video in the Language Classroom, Heinemann

Merill Paul (2002), Computers in Education, Allyn & Bacon, Boston, MA

Morrison Gary, Lowther Deborah, DeMeulle Lisa (1999), Integrating Computer Technology into the Classroom, Prentice-Hall, Inc, New Jersey

Norton Precilla, Sprague Debra (2001), Technology for Teaching, Allyn & Bacon, Boston, MA

Paul Sanderson (2002), Using Newspapers in the Classroom, CUP

Philippa Thompson (2000), The Primary English Magazine, February

Ryder James Randall, Hughes Tom (1998), Internet for Educators, Merill Prentice-Hall, New Jersey

Tomei A. Lawrence (2002), The Technology Facade, (Overcoming barriers to Effective Instructional Technology), Allyn & Bacon, Boston, MA

UNESCO Declaration of Media Education, Grunwald, FRG, January 1982

Willets (1998), ‘Integrating Technology into the Foreign Language Curriculum’, A teacher training manual, Washington, Center for Applied Linguistics


