
  • Nodira Tursunova Israilovna Associate Professor of Oncology Department, Tashkent Medical Academy, PhD.
  • Israil Mirzaevich Karimov Associate Professor of Higher Mathematics Department, Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, PhD in physics and mathematics


uterine body cancer, mathematical modeling, disease prognosis, overall survival, survival without recurrence.


Endometrial cancer (EC) is one of the most common malignancies in women and is the most common in developed countries and the second most common in developing countries. It is known that the results of treatment of patients belonging to the same classification subgroup differ from each other, so these signs cannot fully describe how the disease will progress later. Prognostic factors of EC are diverse, they affect to one degree or another the survival of patients and the risk of further disease progression. In order to create a prognostic model, the following article analyzes a set of laws and correlations determined on the basis of important factors. Then, based on them, the diagnostic and treatment algorithm for this disease was improved.



Tursunova Nodira Isroilovna, Atakhanova Nigora Ergashevna. Epidemiological Aspects Of The Incidence Of Endometrial Cancer In The City Of Tashkent // Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR). Volume 7, №10, P. 135-139.

I.S. Abdinazarova, N.E. Atakhanova, and N.I. Tursunova. 2022. “Modern approach to obtaining biomaterial from the body of the uterus”. Oriental Journal of Medicine and Pharmacology 2 (02):96-106.

Nilufar Nabidjanovna Karimova, Nodira Isroilovna Tursunova. Present And Future Of Reproductive System After Massive Obstetric Bleeding // European Science Review, 2018. №: 9-10-2. – P.77-79. ISSN: 2310-5577

Tursunova Nodira Isroilovna, and Atakhanova Nigora Ergashevna. "The significance of preoperative radiation therapy in the treatment of uterine body cancer, depending on p53 and bcl-2" European science review, no. 7-8, 2018, pp. 171-174.

Tursunova, N. I., Atakhanova, N. E., Almuradova, D. M., Kobilov, O. R., & Abdinazarova, I. S. (2022). Importance of p53, bcl-2 genes in uterine body cancer and their role in prediction. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(S8), 3571–3590.

Abdinazarova I. S., Atakhanova N. E., Tursunova N. I. Pathological discharge from the uterine body //Oriental Journal of Medicine and Pharmacology. – 2023. – Т. 3. – №. 02. – С. 60-70.

Абдиназарова И. С., Атаханова Н. Э., Турсунова Н. И. Бачадон танаси саратон оли ва саратон касалликларида ташхислашдан кейинги учровчи асоратлар //Academic research in educational sciences. – 2023. – Т. 4. – №. TMA Conference. – С. 1072-1077.

Atakhanova N. E., Abdinazarova I. S., Tursunova N. I. Modern Methods of Early Detection of Endometrial Cancer on the Example of “Pipelle” Urogenital Probe //International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Bio Medical Science. – 2021. – Т. 1. – №. 5. – С. 38-42.

N.E. Atakhanov, V.K. Yahyayeva, U.I. Esonturdiev, N.I. Tursunova, & I.S. Abdinazarova. (2022). Clinical case: cancer of the body of the uterus with the return of the disease after 12 years. World Bulletin of Public Health, 13, 71-75. Retrieved from

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