The purpose of the study: to evaluate the effectiveness of complex treatment of children with enuresis.Abstract
Enuresis is a pathological condition associated with a violation of the systems that control the functions of the act of urination during the day or night. It should be noted that enuresis is a condition that requires a mandatory multidisciplinary approach with the participation of not only a pediatrician and a neurologist, but also a urologist, surgeon and psychiatrist. Enuresis is the cause of insecurity and inferiority in children and their parents, neurosis-like disorders and the development of secondary disorders, such as microbial-inflammatory processes in the genitourinary tract. The problem of treating nocturnal enuresis in children today seems to be one of the most urgent in modern neurology. It will be determined by the fact that nocturnal involuntary urination is observed to a greater extent in persons with an insufficiently formed nervous system, but at the same time, in the course of practice, we observe that the failure of the nervous system is not one of the main causes of this pathology in children.
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