
  • Shakhzod Abdullayev MA Student, Uzbekistan State World Languages University
  • Begoyim Kholbekova Scientific adviser Associate Professor, Uzbekistan State World Languages University


sociolinguistic factors, language policy, language planning, language choices, linguistic landscape, language attitudes, language maintenance, language revitalization, language shift, language identity, social justice, linguistic diversity, language rights, language resources, linguistic inequalities, inclusivity.


This article examines the significance of sociolinguistic factors in language policy and planning. Language policy and planning involve deliberate efforts to shape and regulate language use in a society. Sociolinguistic factors, which encompass the social, cultural, and political dynamics of language, play a crucial role in these processes. The article highlights how sociolinguistic factors influence language choices, language attitudes, language maintenance, and language revitalization efforts. It emphasizes the importance of considering sociolinguistic factors in the allocation of language resources, the recognition of language rights, and the promotion of linguistic diversity. Furthermore, the article explores the intersection between language and identity, as well as the role of sociolinguistic factors in addressing issues of social justice in language policy and planning. Understanding the impact of sociolinguistic factors is essential for developing inclusive language policies that value linguistic diversity and promote equitable language practices in society.


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