
  • Кarimov Asror Akbarovich republic of uzbekistan iiv jxd yxxx mkbt senior engineer Tel: (98) 000-32-02 (98) 809-92-02


As you know, during the years of independence, all branches and branches of the economy of our republic developed rapidly, the rapid development of technologies in various fields made a huge contribution to the prosperous coexistence of our people, the prosperity of our state. In particular, the development of intersections and straight roads on highways, in turn, contributed to the fact that Uzbekistan has become one of the leading states paying attention to highways in the world. Today in Tashkent, Ferghana, Andijan, Samarkand regions, measures are being taken to radically reform the system of ensuring safety on highways, improve infrastructure and improve their quality, create reliable conditions for the safe movement of road users based on the priority "pedestrian — public transport — bicycle transport — motor transport".


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https://yhxx .uz / information of the press service


Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-190 dated April 4, 2022 https://lex.uz/docs/5937573

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How to Cite

Asror Akbarovich К. (2022). "WIDESPREAD USE OF INTELLIGENT TECHNOLOGIES FOR RELIABLE HUMAN SECURITY". INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENTS AND RESEARCH IN EDUCATION, 1(12), 222–224. Retrieved from https://interonconf.org/index.php/idre/article/view/811