Greek scientist Archimedes, Sind ibn Ali, Yuhani ibn Yusuf, Ahmad ibn al-Fadl, Al-Bukhari and Muhammad ibn Zakariy ar-Razi, (unity),Abstract
According to stories and legends, it is known that the Greek scientist of antiquity Archimedes managed to solve the question posed by the Syracuse king Hieron (250 BC) by weighing that one of his golden crowns was made of an alloy of gold with copper, lead and others. metals. The weighing method was later called the Archimedes method. At the installation of bernoui, his contemporaries dealt with the same problem as "Sind ibn Ali, Yuhani ibn Yusuf, Ahmad ibn al-Fadl, Al-Bukhari and Muhammad ibn Zakariy AR-Razi", identifying the specific weights of minerals and metals with the help of his tools, Beruu said, "we start with the heaviest metal, then move on to the lighter metal, so that the amount of waterbecause the amount of water corresponds to the volume of bodies."
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