
  • Akbaraliyev is the son of Khojiakbar Head of the Department of Pharmacy and Chemistry, DSc, Professor. Tashkent, Alfraganus University
  • Qalandarov Qobil Suyarovich Head of the Department of Pharmacy and Chemistry, DSc, Professor. Tashkent, Alfraganus University
  • Jalilov Fazliddin Sodiqovich Head of the Department of Pharmacy and Chemistry, DSc, Professor. Tashkent, Alfraganus University


Alsgeymer, progressiv demensiya, gen mutatsiyasi, tau gipotezasi, blayshka, pepitlar, sinaptik, neyronlar, korteks, atrofiya, preddmensiya, apatiya, agnoziya, xolinergik, neyromediator, atsetilxolin, proteazlar, mikrotubalar, mikronaychalar, anamnez, xolinestariz, galantamin, donepezil, revastigmin, animanin, serebrolizin, aktovegin, tioridazin, glitsin.


Nowadays, we can see that there are many incurable diseases. Today's disease is Alzheimer's and we will get acquainted with diseases related to thinking. Alzheimer's disease is a disease that affects the mental state of a person. Although Alzheimer's and other mental diseases are not the direct cause of human death, these diseases are the impetus for the emergence of other dangerous diseases. and as a result, human life is significantly shortened. To this day, a cure for Alzheimer's disease has not been found. The research of American scientists may lead to a cure for this disease, but a specific cure for this disease has not yet been found.         


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Genomes and What to Make of Them By Barry Barnes; John Dupre University of Chicago Press, 2008

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How to Cite

Akbaraliyev is the son of Khojiakbar, Qalandarov Qobil Suyarovich, & Jalilov Fazliddin Sodiqovich. (2024). IMPROVING MEASURES TO PREVENT ALZHEIMER’S AND COGNITIVE DISORDERS. INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENTS AND RESEARCH IN EDUCATION, 3(27), 45–48. Retrieved from