intercultural competence, education, development, cross-cultural skills, global competence, multicultural education, inclusive education, cultural sensitivity, diversity training.Abstract
The article addresses the relevant topic of developing intercultural competence through education. Intercultural competence is a key aspect in the modern world, where globalization and intercultural interaction are becoming increasingly significant. The aim of this research is to analyze the role of education in fostering intercultural competence in students.
The article covers theoretical aspects of intercultural competence, examines methodologies and approaches that contribute to equipping students with the necessary skills for effective interaction in multicultural and multilingual environments. Special attention is paid to the application of innovative educational methods, tools, and technologies to enhance levels of intercultural understanding, communication, and adaptation.
Through the analysis of contemporary research and practices in the field of intercultural educational practices, this article offers specific recommendations and strategies for integrating intercultural competence into the educational process. The research emphasizes the importance of diverse educational approaches and practices for developing students’ intercultural readiness for more successful participation in the global society.
Based on the findings of this study, the article advocates for intensified efforts in education to cultivate intercultural competence among students, which is a necessary step in fostering harmonious and dynamic international interactions in the modern world.
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"Developing Intercultural Competence in Practice" by Michael Byram.
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