In order to positively solve the difficulties in providing the population with medicines, 5 small enterprises were established by the Fergana regional health department and the "Pharmatsiya" production association with the direct support of the regional government. According to the results of experiments, medicinal plants were grown on 30 hectares of land, and the production of more than 10 medicines was launched. However, the supply of medicines to hospitals was only 55 percent. In order to further improve the supply of medicines, 219 of the planned 234 pharmacies in Fergana region were privatized based on Resolution 132 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 11, 1994 [2,28].
Mirziyoev Sh.M. Buyuk kelajagimizni mard va olijanob xalqimiz bilan birga quramiz. – Toshkent: O‘zbekiston, 2017.
Farg‘ona viloyat davlat arxivi, 1220-fond, 1-ro‘yxat, 60-yig‘majild, 23-varaq. 1220-fond, 2-ro‘yxat, 6-yig‘majild, 28-varaq
O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti Administratsiyasi arxivi Andijon viloyati bo‘limi, 4141-fond, 11-ro‘yxat, 81-jig‘ma jild, 12-varaq
Melinda Pavin, Talgat Nurgozhin, Grace Hafner, FarruhYusufy and Richard Laing. Prescribing practices of rural primary health care physicians in Uzbekistan. Tropical Medicine and International Health. volume 8. february 2003.
Namangan viloyati Sog‘liqni saqlash boshqarmasi ma’lumotlari.
Farg‘ona viloyati Sog‘liqni saqlash boshqarmasi ma’lumotlari.
Andijonnoma 2018 yil 17 may