
  • B. A.Allaberganov Chief specialist of the Digital Development Department of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  • D. Sh.Abdullayev Master's degree, Faculty of Cyber-Security,Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, Uzbekistan


Internet of Things (IoT), Smart Airport, Cyber Security


Airports are one of the institutions that can pose a threat to cyber attacks. Aviation is a rapidly developing and growing industry in the world. It plays an important role in increasing the socio-economic welfare of countries. Countries that closely follow the aviation industry are investing in developing their aviation industries. The development of airports and their transformation into smart airports, the use of the internet of things (IoT) in almost every part of the airport, has led to an increase in the gaps that make it easier for hackers to hack airports and access passenger information. In this study, first of all, cyber incidents in smart airports will be discussed. Then, the most vulnerable vulnerabilities of the systems in airports against hacking were determined by examining the studies and cyber security incidents in previous years. As a result of this research, the most common cyber attacks in smart airports were determined. In addition, the most commonly used intrusion prevention methods to protect smart airports against cyber attacks are discussed.



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Optim,, accessed 19.11.2022.

Ain,,accessed 29.11.2022.


