
  • Kutlimuratova Azodaxan 2nd year student of Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh, Faculty of Practical Psychology


Mental development. Preschool age, experience, semantic field, cognitive process


Senior preschool age is a period of intensive mental development. The features of this stage are manifested in progressive changes in all areas, from the improvement of psychophysiological functions to the emergence of complex, personality neoplasms. E. E. Kravtsova's study shows that imagination is a neoplasm of the preschool period of development. The author believes that in preschool age, three stages and at the same time three main components of this function can be distinguished: reliance on visibility, the use of past experience and a special internal position. The main property of the imagination - the ability to see the whole before the parts - is provided by the holistic context or semantic field of an object or phenomenon.



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